Friday, November 18, 2011


Time just seems to be going faster and faster. I am not even actually quite sure where it is going! Another semester is about over, and when I was thinking about it... I am not quite sure what I have accomplished in the past few months, but here are some of the things I have been up to!

I have definitely tapped into my homemaking skills more than ever before. I am pretty into cooking lately. Strange...But I like it! Cooking really doesn't take much more time, and the more time I spend cooking equals less time eating and that is REALLY good for me. Pinterest might have a little to do with it as well :) I have also really enjoyed cleaning. I find myself willingly doing my roommates dishes, something that I NEVER would have done before. I guess I am just growing up! I used to hate to admit it, but now I couldn't be happier that I am turning out to be exactly like my mom and sisters. Those three woman are really the greatest. If I turn out to be half of what they are, I think I will have lived a good life.

I have really been enjoying school! When I look back on it, I feel like this semester should have been way tough. The classes I am taken are really pretty hard, but they have so much to do with my major so it is super interesting to me. My classes this semester have made me positive that I am studying for the right career. Even though I have grad school ahead of me, I know that when I become a speech-language pathologist, I will be able to help others enrich their lives. It will be so rewarding.

I have been going on dates. But let's not talk about boys.

It'll happen someday :)

I have been Country Dancing a lot more lately. I LOVE country dancing. It is definitely the place to be at 10:30 every Wednesday night in Logan, utah!! I just love the atmosphere and the music. Makes me feel a little more at home I think.

I love aggie basketball, and I am glad some games have started up again J Going to the USU vs BYU was probably the greatest game ever!

Well I think that is about all I have been up to! But life is good, and I am ready for the excitement the holidays are going to bring!

1 comment:

a-anderson said...

I am so glad that things are going good for you. You like cleaning and cooking! What is happening to you Gen?:)

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