Thursday, October 20, 2011

I live with them...

This year I have been blessed to live with some amazing girls. This year I have realized how great of an impact roommates and neighbors can have on someone. Last year my roommates were great, but I am already so much closer to my roommates this year than I was last! Each one is so different and I am so grateful for how much fun they have allowed me to have this year.

Meet the Girls from {K}ampus {K}orner #8
Tara Norris is from Colorado. I can't remember the name of her town, but as far as I can recall it is a cute boy name like parker or porter or something. Tara & Courtney are cousins. Tara is the youngest of us all. Tara is always up for a good time. Tara and I have super opposite schedules. I am done with all my stuff for the day by the time she wakes up and I am to bed before sleep even crosses her mind. Tara has celiac disease so she has to eat gluten-free food. I always feel bad when I offer her cookies, or bread, or quesadillas, and she laughs every time. Tara is someone that everyone can talk to and she always has great insight! I love Tara Norris.

Missy Bevan is crazy. hahaha Missy and I both took anatomy (aka DEATH) together this summer. We didn't even know each other, but then one day we discovered that we were going to be living in the same apartment! Small World!! Missy is quite energetic and can always make me laugh! She is from Kaysville. Missy aka Melissa makes me feel good because she always tells me that I am her favorite roommate. I am not sure how true that statement is, but I will milk it for all it is worth :) I love Missy Bevan.

Kenzie Sutton is from Sandy. Kenzie is super cute and fun! She isn't around much though, because she has a significant other who goes to UVU. When Kenzie is around she always has a story to tell! Hopefully I will get to know more of kenzie throughout the year, but I love Kenzie Sutton.

Lindsey Berg lives upstairs with me!! Lindsey is also so very nice!! She is also from kaysville. Lindsey always has lots of good ideas, and she does lots of thoughtful things for others. I think there is a lot I can learn from Lindsey. I love Lindsey Berg.

Courtney Toolson is my best friend. Courtney is from Green River, Wyoming and the only roommate I new prior to moving in here! We planned to live together and I am so glad we did! I think that Court and I are so different, but we think the same. We have so many ideas together and we can talk for hours. We often have sleepovers upstairs in my room in my twin bed :) We go on run/walks together. And we always decide we are going to eat super healthy and then end up making a batch of cookie dough and eating it all the same night! We have the same major and we are in sign language class together. This results in us often acting deaf :) I am so grateful for Courtney and I know she is a huge reason why this year has been so great for me!

I am so excited for what this year holds for all of us. I know a lot will change, but I know as it does we will all become closer. I have always wished my life away, but I have realized that I need to enjoy every moment. This time of my life is so so so so great, but so so so short!
"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life."

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