This past weekend a lot was going on, so I got to run away from my stressful little summer and go home for {five} days. Usually five days is a little much for me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE coming home, but after living on my own for a while I definitely have my own routine and like going by my own schedule. It's kind of weird to go back, but this time 5 days was just what I needed.
{day 1}
well technically this was half a day...well probably even less so I will count it, because I got to sleep in the most comfy bed at my house.
But seriously...this bed it awesome.
{day 2}
Western Day's Parade.
Watching the parade with Whitney, Presley, and Gage was way fun! I realized how much I really love the Twin Falls area, it is really a great community. But... also a little (or a lot) white trash in some ways, but that just made me grateful for Logan. So... it was a win-win situation.
Later that night I went to
[Brittni & Brogan Darrington's]
Wedding reception.
Brittni was my roommate this past year. The reception was so darling, and I cried when I saw them! I will miss them lots, but I am sure they will have me over for game nights and I'm sure they will continue to attempt to be matchmakers!
{day 3}
Gage Curtis Giles was blessed.
I LOVE my family and I love family get togethers. I missed Jeremy and Alish and their little families, but I am thankful for the time I had to spend with Whitney and Josh and their families! Being an aunt is AWESOME. Pretty sure I have the greatest nieces and nephews. They bring so much joy into my life. I love them all!!!! If I never get married, the plan is to be the super cool-rich-fun-favorite aunt. I could live with that... right?
{day 4}
HOLY COW. Yes, I milked cows. I believe this probably deserves it's own post as well. It was quite the experience, but let's just say it was NAST.
{day 5}
Surprisingly I didn't have to get back until later then I thought. So that day I spent the morning and early afternoon in Twin with Whitney and her little one's. Sometimes I wish I lived back at home for the summer to do fun stuff with my mom & sister all the time. I miss them LOTS.
I would definitely say this was a great vacation home.
I wish I could hang out with the fam too! Enjoy it while you can before you get married and your husband moves you SO far away.
Wished you were home for the summer too!!! Had fun with you Gen!!
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