Thursday, June 9, 2011

Squeezin' out a living

So, one day I was talking to my dad and I was like...
"Dad, guess how much I made at work the past two weeks?!"
Before he said anything my sister was like...
"Gen, don't even tell him."

Apparently I don't make very much at all, but hey, when you go 8 months without making anything, a few dollars every now and then is greatly appreciated!
But anyways... I ended up telling my dad how much I made and he informed me if I milked cows I could make that much every day! So this is how it all started. My dad made a deal he would pay me half of what I made in two weeks if I milked for a shift.
Let's get something straight...
-A shift for me at The Children's Place ranges from 5-8 hours. That's good for me.
-A shift according to David Funk is 12 hours {4 a.m. to 4 p.m.} Yes...that's half a day and a lot more than I am used to. But with a little negotiating I was able to talk him into only 5 hours :)

I began my shift at 8. My brother-in-law Curtis suited me up in an apron, sleeves, and gloves and taught me how it was done.
step 1
wipe off the utters with rag/spray disinfectant

step 2
testing means squeezing each tit with your hands and getting out the first few squirts of milk, because that is where most of the bacteria would be.
step #2 is WAY more difficult than it sounds. Getting milk out of those suckers takes strong hands and proper technique. By the end of 5 hours I had it down though.
step 3
clean off utters once again. by the time step 3 has taken place the disinfectant spray has made it easier to clean the utter and get all the manure and junk off
step 4
apply milking machine.
this step is also way harder than it looks.
Oh, I forgot to mention the best part about milking cows. The cows have the privilege to use the restroom whenever and wherever they please. This even includes when I am right under them. Manure to the face. Urine to the eye ball. and the combination of both up my sleeves where it stays nice and moist around my arms. awesome.

haha, milking cows isn't that bad though...Once you get dirty the first time is doesn't really matter what you get on you. I actually quite enjoyed the repetition. I do enjoy stuff like that. but it definitely not my dream job. My mom was SO surprised I actually did it and my brother-in-law was surprised I stayed longer than an hour. I guess that's another thing to put on my resume!

Happy milking!


a-anderson said...

I love ti Gen. I am laughing out loud. That is so awesome. I don't think I followed all the steps as well as you did in my days and I know that I did not last 5 hours! love ya

Bailey McCammon said...

Atta girl Gen! Brian Crane took me to his dairy the other day and showed me around. It is pretty interestng, and veryy dirty. But I'm not gunna lie, it is all pretty nifty!

Curtis and Whitney Giles said...

So funny!!! We were all surprised you lasted that long!!! Love the full tutorial!!!

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