Thursday, February 17, 2011

winning team

One of my favorite things about going to Utah State would definitely have to be the Aggie Basketball games!! I have always loved watching sports and the energy in the spectrum makes it that much more exciting!! Plus, it is always fun to watch a winning team!! Utah State fans are definitely the best!!!

Me-Ashely Easton-Callie Woolston-Aubrey Easton
Utah State vs. Montana Western
I went to the last game with the 3 darling girls above! It was a blast! The Easton twins
brother-in-law plays for USU so we had second row seats and cheered on the Aggies! It was so fun! I am sad there is only one game left!
Oh... and I forgot to mention the biggest even of wednesday's game. During halftime the team came back out to warm up and one of USU's player, Tai Wesely, dunked it. This dunk shattered the backboard though! It was crazy! haha It took an hour for a new backboard to be put up (because the second one they put up also shattered during the process). But we were easily entertained by booing everything the red head on Montana's team did and watching some of the players "dougie".

I am sad that there is only one more home game, but for now... GO AGGIES!

1 comment:

Ash said...

AGGGIIIESS!! haha i love you gentry! consider yourself yours truly! haha love you!

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