Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Unexpectedly, this Valentine's day was such a good one! I wasn't expecting this day to be any different, but everything seemed to go my way! The girls of 307 were pleasantly surprised when our loving home teacher {Ben Kirk} brought us all roses in the afternoon! Then later that night, after getting home from a blind date, my roommates ran in my room with a gift for me. Someone had knocked on our door, left a can of treats and root beer for me, and wrote me the most thoughtful letter ever. Everyone was excited to see who it was from, but there was no name. The letter said some of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. I tried to keep my emotions all in but I ended up crying the whole time I read it! It really amazes me at how thoughtful some people are! That is something I am really going to strive to work on being better at. That gift was just what I needed, and brightened my whole week! Valentine's day is about {love} and I am so lucky to have surrounded myself with people who love me.

Oh ya... and I have the cutest nieces and nephews on the Planet!! Thanks for thinking of me Lexi, Cole, Crew, Gracie, and Presley. I love you all!

Thanks for all the Love

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