Sunday, September 21, 2008


I would have to say that one of my favorite parts of high school is homecoming week! Everyone has so much school spirit and it's fun to see how everyone dresses up!

The first day this year was fake an injury day. I personally thought it was kind of lame and had piano that morning so decided not to dress up.
Tuesday was hippie day!I tye dyed my own shirt!! It was fun :)
This is sam bringhurst. He had the funniest costumes all week!

Wednesday was by far my favorite day!


Here are some pictures for you to have a good laugh :)

I thought my fanny pack added a nice touch :)

Thanks Gilly for the input on my costume! and Those amazing shoes!

Thursday: Bubble wrap day

bubble wrap day was a noisy day at schooL! Mom ended up sewing me a vest made out of bubble wrap and made me a darling tie!! Thanks mom you're the best!!

Friday was, of course, SPIRIT DAY!!!

I ended up making myself a tutu :) I came home from school and googled "how to make a tutu" Then i drove into twin bought the toule and other supplies came home and made it!! It turned out cute i think!! I am no pretty good friends with an exchange student from german [lea]. I took lea to her first football game ever!! I think she enjoyed it! She says school here is WAy different than in germany!


a-anderson said...

Love all your outfits. The ugly day I didn't even recognize you!!!! Love the tutu and the bubble wrap vest. How much time do you and mom spend on these outfits? said...

Wow Gen :) Ugly day is the best!!!

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