Wednesday was by far my favorite day!
Here are some pictures for you to have a good laugh :)

I thought my fanny pack added a nice touch :)
Thanks Gilly for the input on my costume! and Those amazing shoes!
Thursday: Bubble wrap day
bubble wrap day was a noisy day at schooL! Mom ended up sewing me a vest made out of bubble wrap and made me a darling tie!! Thanks mom you're the best!!
Friday was, of course, SPIRIT DAY!!!
I ended up making myself a tutu :) I came home from school and googled "how to make a tutu" Then i drove into twin bought the toule and other supplies came home and made it!! It turned out cute i think!! I am no pretty good friends with an exchange student from german [lea]. I took lea to her first football game ever!! I think she enjoyed it! She says school here is WAy different than in germany!

Love all your outfits. The ugly day I didn't even recognize you!!!! Love the tutu and the bubble wrap vest. How much time do you and mom spend on these outfits?
Wow Gen :) Ugly day is the best!!!
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