Wednesday, May 11, 2011

days go by...

Holy cow... it's May? Where has time gone! So much has happened and I have felt so busy! But life is sure great!

Right before the stress of finals week kicked in, I took a quick trip to Arizona for my Niece Lexi's baptism! It was such great timing, and a perfect weekend getaway. I am so happy for Lex and her decision. I was so used to the FREEZING Logan weather, so I made sure to soak up some sun and lay by the pool! I got quite the sunburn! haha But it was TOTALLY worth it.

After getting home from AZ, reality definitely set it! I was super overwhelmed with finals, moving, cleaning, goodbye's, and last minute training for my tri. That week was way stressful, but everything turned out just fine!

I was also able to go home for mother's day.
I must say... I BY FAR have the most amazing, darling, talented, generous mother EVER!
She is the best!

That's all for now... I am still working on catching up with life!

1 comment:

a-anderson said...

I am so glad that you got to come down. Thanks for all your help. Lexi loved having her BFF here for her special day!

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