Sunday, October 5, 2008


This past weekend I didn't have school thursday or friday! Yahoo! It was great to have a break. I Went up and stayed with Whitney! I had a blast. We went to the usu game and shopping for a bit one day. We didn't do much, but it was a great weekend. I am usually SO busy and it was so nice to get away for a few days and just relax! Thanks So much for letting me come stay sister!
While in Logan I was able to call up Cori Lynn Anderson. We hung out one night. I hadn't seen her in about 5 years! It was nice to get to see her.


Curtis and Whitney Giles said...

Thanks for coming Gentry! I had a lot of fun with you! You are welcome anytime. Especially after I have Presley and we are at home bored!

a-anderson said...

I wish I could have come and hung out with you girls. We need a girls weekend!!!

Laura said...

it was great seeing you for a few minutes this weekend. your blog is looking great!!!

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